Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I really have NO idea how this can be but, 
this little P-bug has turned TWO?!
The older kids were SO excited for this day to come. 
Every morning they would wake up and tell 
Peyton how many more days she had til her bday! 
We decided to do our usual "low key" party and take our
kids to Peter Piper Pizza!
Granna and Papa met us there too! 
I'm not sure how I didn't get any pictures of them??
Peyton was excited to see new "church toys!"
I was too! ;)
Also, a new cute outfit for church!
Peyton spent all of her tokens in the teacup, merry go round,
and the car! ;)
Blake and Kenzie were so busy the whole night trying to 
earn tickets so I didn't get too many pictures of them.
Until Kenzie came over to show us how many tickets
she had won!!
She ran around with her tail of tickets following!!
All three!

Peyton at age TWO:
She LOVES Blake and Kenzie like CRAZY!
(the feeling is mutual)
Favorite time of day is 3:50pm when it is time to walk to the
bus stop to get the kids!!
LOVES Minnie Mouse 
She always has a baby in her arms and is usually
wearing Kenzie's shoes while pushing a baby stroller! 
LOVES when Blake and Kenzie make her a fort and turn Mickey Mouse
clubhouse on the ipad for her.
Still loves her pacifier WAY TOO MUCH! :/
She has a cute sense of humor and loves to tease! 
Happy Birthday Pety-Bug!
We love your sweet and sassy personally!
(but more of the sweet ;)

Christmas Morning!

The kids all woke up at about 7:30 which was great since Santa and
his helper were up LATE getting ready!! ;)
They were all so excited and dove right into opening all their
They loved showing each other after each present they had opened! 
Peyton and Kenize both loved each others presents, so they have had
fun sharing all the girl presents! :)
At one point while opening presents Kenzie said to Blake, 
"Well I don't see a trampoline, maybe Santa couldn't bring one this year."
Blake then said, "maybe her already set it up for us!"
Kenzie was SO excited to look out the window to see a new TRAMPOLINE!
She was also surprised to see that dads "lawn mower house" was actually
a playhouse for them!! Santa and put some of their new 
Christmas presents in their house! :)
Later that morning Blake and Ryan continued their Christmas tradition of
putting together new legos!
Kenzie set up a little restaurant for Blake and Peyton to come to! 
Playing with all their new toys!
Grandma Jeanne taught them how to play their new game
Obviously I have two major fibbers! ;)
We had such a nice Christmas Day!
We were able to have Christmas dinner at my parents house and
then enjoyed coming back home to play with toys!
So much FUN! :)

Alexander Christmas Eve

This year for Christmas we had Bob and Jeanne staying at our house for
the holiday! We decided to try something a little different, we did our
first annual Alexander Christmas Eve progressive night! 
We started the night at our house where we had some appetizers and the
kids pass around gift!
Grandma Jeanne had brought jumbo gingerbread men for the kids to 
We then packed up and headed over to Ryan and Brittanys!
They had yummy appetizers and then we did the adult pass around.
I guess I was too busy eating/opening presents I didn't take any pictures. :(
Then it was time to head over to Sean and Jenns!
There we ended our night with a nativity, hot cocoa, and desserts!
Here is little Angel Peyton!
Kenzie and Peyton were both angels but when it was "show time"
Peyton got cold feet! ;)
Cute little Paisley the shepard!
Alexis was Mary and Sean was Joseph (so he could control his ass ;)
(sorry, couldn't resist ;)
The shepherd, Mary, the angel and Joseph all waiting for the
Wise men to come!

Blake and Landon the "Wise men!"
We had such a fun night with family!
It was then time to hurry home and set out cookies for Santa and
get in bed so that Christmas morning could come!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The BIG "surprise!"

Growing up we always had a playhouse in
our backyard that my dad and grandpa built for us.
I always LOVED playing it... we played school, McDonalds,
clubhouse... it was always SO fun! 
My parents still have it in the backyard and all the granddaughters
now love to play in it! Well ever since I had Kenzie I've been
wanting a playhouse built in our yard. Then Peyton came a long and
I really wanted one for them to play in!!
Well now that we are having our third girl Ryan came up with an 
"idea" that he would build a playhouse for the girls for Christmas!? ;)
He and my dad started working on it in November at my parents house to 
keep it a surprise from the kids but the week before Christmas they needed to 
finish it up in our yard...
I wasn't sure what to tell the kids but when Kenzie first saw it she asked if it was
a house for the lawn mower? 
So that's what we called it until Christmas morning... :)
 Blake loved helping out too with handing them the 
tools they needed.

 Then, the weekend before Christmas Bob and Jeanne came to town
so Bob was able to help Ryan on the house.
I LOVE how both grandpas helped in building such a cute
lawn mower house! 
 We still needed to add a door and shutters and paint the
porch... but the girls were in LOVE! 
Especially Christmas morning when they went in a saw
a kitchen, crib, table and chairs, and an art easel...
they knew it was their house!! 
 They have played in it everyday since! :)

Family Christmas Pictures 2012

2012 family pictures taken by Kendyl Hawkins.
After 30 min. of bribing, crying, complaining, and more bribing we
got a few good pictures of the kids and our family!
Peyton age 21 months.
She wanted NOTHING to do with the camera... 
so Kendyl worked her magic! 
McKenzie age: 5.
Blake age: 7
I really wanted a picture with the 3 kids together...
we got them all posed and then Peyton saw that her shoes got muddy
and threw herself down in the mud!
Maybe next year Peyton will be more cooperative?!
Just in time for the new little sister to throw a fit! ;)
I LOVE this little family of mine!