Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blog Update!

With kids out of school for the summer and a new baby things 
have been a little too crazy to blog! 
Here is a quick update of the past few weeks...

Kendyl had her first day at church on Mother's Day...
We only lasted an hour! ;)
With Ryan in the bishopric and Kendyl being colicky,
and Peyton being 2 it was a little stressful! 
So Kendyl and I went home to take a nap while the
older three went to classes! :)
Happy Mother's Day to ME! ;)
 After church we went to Carley's house for a 
Mother's Day dinner.
Kendyl got to meet some of her other cousins!
These six little girls have SO much fun with each other...
I'm sure Claire and Kendyl will become BFF's soon! ;)

Kendyl at One month.
 Claire & Kendyl!
 Last Day of school!!
Blake's Award was Most Athletic
Kenzie's Rockin' Reader
 Started our summer off with swimming at Carleys.
Kenzie & Brooke
 The last week of May Blake got braces put on...
he had been counting day the days for weeks!!
(I'm glad he thinks they are cool! ;)
 Blake and Kenzie took 4 weeks of diving lessons 
at Skyline Pool.
They both learned to front dive off the low dive & high dive!
They also learned to back dive and front tuck! 
They had so much fun learning these new tricks! 
Kenzie diving off the high dive!
Brittany and Ryan had a baby boy the last week of May
also! It was so fun meeting Chase.
These two were able to be blessed on the same weekend!
 Kendyl's Blessing day!
June 2, 2013
She was giving a sweet blessing by Ryan. We were
lucky to have our whole families there... minus Jacob and Lexi. :(
(working in Co.)
Sadly I didnt take very many pictures.. this was the best
family picture we got.
(Peyton was ready for a nap!)
Our First family picture of all 6 of us!! :)
A few weeks later we were able to visit with Nana
(my dad's mom)
and have Kendyl meet her for the first time. 
 Kendyl at 2months!!
(First smile!)