Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Schools in Session 2013-2014!

Meet the teacher night was really easy this year since we
already knew both kids teachers!!
Blake is now in the 2nd grade has his teacher from 
Kindergarten, Mrs. Eagleburger!!!
He was SO excited to hear that he got Mrs. Eagleburger again!! :)
 McKenzie is in 1st grade and she is in Mrs. Davis's class...
who Blake had last year for 1st grade!
She had been hoping all summer that she would get Mrs. Davis, so
of course was also very excited for school to start!! 
The kids teacher from pre-school had moved to another
elementary school a few years ago and we were so
sad to see her leave Augusta Ranch.
Over the summer she was offered a job teaching 
2nd grade so we stopped by her classroom to say
hi! We LOVE Ms. Kami and are SO glad she is back!
Both kids were SO excited to start school and to see
all of their friends again! Peyton was really sad the first few days
to have them gone all day... but quickly adjusted once
she figured out that she doesn't have to share anything!!
(yet, pretty soon Kendyl will be old enough to want the ipad too! ;)
So far its been a great year! 
The only complain is from Blake, and that's because he just
found out that in 2nd grade he only gets TWO recesses!?! ;)

Last days of Summer!

Once we got home from Disneyland we only had a few more weeks
til school started! We also got home just in time to spend time with our
long lost friends from Colorado, the WYETHS! 
These kids have been BFFs since birth and I LOVE that they still have so
much in common and play SO well together even though they
only see each other once a year. 

Kenzie, Addilyn, Blake, Carter, Brailyn, and Preslee.
 A HORRIBLE picture of me but needed to document that
we do see each other sometimes! ;)
 This summer our ward of almost 10years was split. :( 
We lost some really great families but have gotten to know new ones!
Ryan is still in the bishopric but is now the 1st counselor...
(just hit our 4th year... not that I'm counting!! ;)
Our first Sunday in the new ward Peyton got bit in
nursery!! She was pretty tough about it in class but sure "milked it"
once she got home. 
 The two "littles" watching Minnie Mouse.
Kendyl is BY FAR my youngest child to start watching tv...
Not my best parenting moment! ;)
 Last swimming days of the summer...
we were trying to teach the girls how to "weenie roll" their hair! :)
 Kendyl's first swim day! :)
 Worn out from swimming, Peyton fell asleep in her
goggles and floaties! 
Blakes FAVORITE thing to do when he swims...
soak anyone around him.
 Kenzie working on her diving.
Bahama Bucks!!
The kids love playing the ring toss game.
 The day before school started I took these two little
girls to get pedicures and manicures... 
It was Kenzie's first time and its safe to say...
 She LOVED IT! :)
We were all ready for the 1st grade!! :)