How is it that my little Kenzie is going into 1st grade?!
Although, she couldn't be more excited about it...
or maybe its because she REALLY wants to be on the
"big kid" playground! ;)
She had her Kindergarten Musical yesterday and
did so good! She stood up there and just smiled and giggled
anytime Peyton would wave to her!
She is one proud big sister.
Peyton was SO excited to be able to follow Kenzie around in
her classroom and meet all her friends. She even found an empty seat
at Kenzie's table and made herself at home.
All Kenzie's friends kept saying, "She is a mini Kenzie!!" ;)
Mrs. Bruce handed out awards.. Kenzie ran up so fast I
wasn't able to get a decent picture.
She received the Rockin' Reader award!
Kenzie and her "BFF" Bailey! These girls have become
the best of little friends.
I can't believe how much Kenzie has grown in just
9 months!!
Here she is the night of Meet the Teacher
August 2012...
9 months later...
She is now taller, has longer hair, has 3 permeant teeth
and one still missing, is more independent,
a Social Butterfly and GREAT reader...
I guess she really is ready for 1st grade!!
Although she is going to miss Miss Bruce
like CRAZY!! :(
It's been an AWESOME year of Kindergarten!!
Bring on the 1st grade!
This just freaked me out because Miss Bruce aka Shawnie works with me in nursery, it is always weird when two worlds collide.