Friday, September 20, 2013

Birthday Party FUN!

The month of August was a month full of Birthday Parties!!
Kenzie was invited to Gwens party at a cute little girls
boutique! They were given a princess makeover, 
had a tea party, and a dance party! Such a cute place!
Kenzie and "Shweety" Gwen.
 Striking a pose! :)
 All the Party Girls!
     Tea Party! :)
Then, a few weeks later June Bug had a birthday!
She invited Peyton to go to the mall and
ride the motorized stuffed animals!
They had a rough start trying to figure them out, 
but as soon as they got the hang of it... 
they were off! :)
Sarah and I followed while pushing the babies in their strollers.
We also did a lot of video taping and even more laughing!!
We then went and rode the carousel and had
lunch at Chick Fila! 
These girls all have SO much fun with each other!

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