Monday, April 29, 2013

McKenzie's birthday and PARTY!

McKenzie's birthday breakfast of choice... DONUTS! :)
 On her way to the bus stop I snapped a birthday picture of her! 
I still can't believe she is already 6! 
 After school we went to SanTan mall to do some shopping, playing, and eating! :)

 We took her to the Disney Store to let her pick out some presents... 
she picked a Rapunzel art set and a new Minnie Mouse water bottle to 
take to school! ;)
 Her dinner of choice was In n Out Burger.
 Cute Birthday Girl!
 Two days later on Friday we had her birthday party!
She had been planning this for months and knew exactly what she wanted!
-zebra decorations
-beauty salon party
Were her ideas of what she wanted! :)
We called up three of our favorite babysitters, the Checketts sisters!
They of couse were so nice to say yes and showed up dressed as salon girls
ready to help! 
(at 38 weeks of my pregnancy I couldn't have done it without these cute girls!)
 Eating dinner before the makeovers started! 
 Pinata Time!
Mikala applied makeup to the girls...
here is Kenzie's cute friend Bailey getting her makeup on!
 Gabby painted fingernails.
 and Kenzie did their hair!
The girls all loved being made over.
 Happy Birthday!
 Present time! :)
I LOVE this picture and how it shows that Sarah and I locked
Peyton and June outside to eat their cupcakes! 
They knew they were missing out on something!! ;)
 The party girls!
June, Brooke, Kenzie, Kaylin, McKenzie, Hannah, Mikala, 
Lyvi, Peyton, and Gabby!
 All of McKenzie's ideas turned out so cute and everyone 
had a ton of fun! 
Happy 6th Birthday Kenzie!

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