Saturday, April 13, 2013


Kenzie has turned SIX!!
She was SO excited to FINALLY be six and had been planning a birthday party 
months before!! :) 
McKenzie is THE BEST big sister EVER! I really hope she always will be...
she is always so caring to Peyton and has had to share EVERYTHING she owns with her
sassy two year old sister! (and another on the way!) 
She is a very social little butterfly and makes new best friends everywhere we go.
She LOVES EVERYTHING about school and loves to play school when she gets home using her
school work from the day! :)
She has been in tumbling for 8months and looks forward to Thursdays when she gets to go
learn new tricks.
She has lost 4 teeth, two on the bottom and two on top! 
She loves to save EVERYTHING...
Halloween candy
birthday party candy
Easter candy...
which is total opposite of her two siblings!! :)
McKenzie adds SO MUCH fun to our family and is always being silly and making everyone laugh!
She is SO excited to get to be a big sister AGAIN to ANOTHER little sister!
Everyday she gets off the bus she comes running to me to see if the baby came yet...
I guess my big belly doesn't give it away! ;)
Kenzie's Favorites at age 6:
Favorite color: Pink & Sparkles
Favorite Food: Costa Vida ;)
Favorite tv show: Jesse
Favorite toy: trampoline & playhouse
Best Friend: Bailey
Favorite thing to play: School
Favorite dessert: dessert pizza
Happy Birthday Cute girl! :)

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